4 Steps To Maintain a Solid Wellness Routine During a Career Change
Career Changes can have an impact on our daily wellness routine. In those early days of starting a new job, it can be common to put in extra hours to show our commitment to the new team. My millennial clients will often sacrifice their wellness routine because the top priority is making a great first impression in a new job.
The important thing to remember is that our performance capabilities are a direct result of how we take care of ourselves. If we don’t prioritize our health & wellness, it will have an impact on how we can perform in our job.
P.S. You don’t need to work long hours to show your commitment and performance capabilities! But that is a whole other discussion we will address in a future blog post. :-)
Here are a few key steps that will help you maintain your wellness routine while you’re starting a new job:
Start with a Wellness Check
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (10 being most satisfied) across the key pillars of health & wellness. Make a note of what’s working well and what areas are most important to you to improve.
Key pillars include: sleep, nutrition, fitness, medical health condition and how it’s managed, stress management, mind/body/spirit connection, current wellness lifestyle, and the amount of rest and relaxation you get.
We need a pulse of where we are today to help us determine where we want to be and how it fits into our daily routine.
Set your Priorities
Now, I want you to think about your ideal weekday & weekend routines and list all the things you want to incorporate. Think about all the necessary activities and all the activities that will bring joy to you. Think about the ideal time of day for certain activities based on your commitments and how your productivity shifts throughout the day.
This is the time to establish what’s most important to you and what will contribute to a balanced lifestyle. Please note that this prioritization should be applied in both the professional and personal settings.
Once you establish your priorities, set some targets for the wellness activities you want in your daily routine. Set targets that are challenging, but achievable. If you’re starting from scratch with a fitness routine, for example, start with a small target and increase it as you hit targets consistently for a period of time. Give yourself some grace and celebrate small wins along the way!
Be intentional with how you spend your time
One of the most effective strategies my clients use for keeping their schedules in order is time blocking. It sounds simple, but adding calendar blocks for all your daily activities adds a layer of organization and accountability that tends to motivate people because your time is planned and accounted for.
Us millennials tend to live busy and fast-paced lives. Setting the intention of how you want to spend your time, putting it into your calendar, and reminding ourselves of what’s most important to achieve each day can be super helpful for routine discipline.
The last thing to consider is setting daily intentions at the start of your day. What are the top 5 things you want to achieve that day? Write them down and reflect on them throughout the day. Measure your achievements at the end of the day and act on the things you learned going into the next day. Time management is a constant area to improve.
Get a Wellness Partner
A Wellness partner can take shape in many ways. It could be a spouse/partner, friend, or coworker. You may want a professional coach to keep you on track with your wellness goals and routine. You will find the method that works best for you.
Having a partner can add a layer of motivation because you have someone by your side encouraging you to hit your goals and keeping you on track. It’s an added bonus if your wellness partner ALSO prioritizes wellness activities in their own life and you can provide motivation to them!
Acting on these steps takes significant time and effort. It can take weeks or months to find consistency and achieve the results you want with your daily routine. But you’re not alone in this! If you’re ready to partner with a coach to help you establish a strong wellness routine AND help you to crush it in your new job, apply for a free discovery call with me today.